
Conference Opening

Presenting the conference's aims and purpose



The Euro Forum Eyes commenced in the capital of Europe, Brussels, and in a room full with an international audience interested in young people, education, employment and inclusion, with leading voices opening the Conference such as Ms Ana Nóbrega, coordinator of the Exyonet Network, a European network for the employability of young ex-offenders and young people at risk of exclusion, who shared experiences and good practices in this subject and whose White Paper will be presented during the Conference.



With Ms Marcella Phelan, from Ealing Council in the UK, who tells us that there is nothing more important than helping young people, especially those who, for whatever reason, have left the educational system, and who have to face many challenges and closed doors.


And with Mr Luis Fábrica, Chairman of Meridians International, an organisation committed to the education of young people, especially those who are at risk of social exclusion, and young ex-offenders, and whose goal is to learn, share and disseminate good practices for rehabilitation and integration of these young people, as well as to strengthen their fundamental rights and, finally, closing the opening, Mr Pavel Trantina, member of the Economic and Social Committee, and chairman of the committee on employment, social affairs and inclusion, a bridge between European institutions and civil society organisations that, as advisory bodies, are dedicated to asking awkward questions, raising their voice for those groups affected by European policies and decisions, and which work to promote, create and maintain sustainable, decent and worthy jobs, and on how to improve employability and promote entrepreneurship among young Europeans and, in particular, analysing the dual education that helps young people to gain work experience while completing their studies at the same time, and aware that jobs for life no longer exist, it being necessary to change jobs several times, and so that in this context soft skills take on significant importance.


Their brief interventions opened the floor to some intense and exciting speeches and debates that generated interest, reflection, proposals and a great deal of participation.

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