A look to the thousand faces of youth employment in Europe
Euro Forum Eyes 2015, in Brussels, has been an outstanding forum for revealing and sharing ideas, thoughts and proposals about the great challenge of youth unemployment, and, in particular, for groups of young people at risk of exclusion and young offenders.
Leading experts and professionals such as Sir Ken Robinson, Mr. Pasi Sahlberg, Stanislav Ranguelov, Luis Fábrica, or Jane Murphy, among others, have discussed issues such as employment and exclusion, the importance of talent as compared a curriculum, or the influence of educational models on the labour market.
More than 400 attendees actively took part in the event, asking numerous questions which were answered by the speakers for the different discussion groups moderated by the journalist Christophe Robeet.
Social networks were very active during the presentations, with more than 7,500 users on the event’s website, more than 14,000 interactions on Twitter, over 1,200 tweets and with the hashtag #euroforumeyes, becoming one of the trending topics for that day. More than 16,000 people from numerous countries around the world took part in the event through online streaming, with significant participation from Belgium, France and Spain.
The outcomes of the EXYONET project (the European Network for employability of Young (ex) offenders), the first European network to address the employability of young offenders and social exclusion, part of the Youth in Action Programme of the European Union, which has drafted the White Paper on youth unemployment, including a full analysis and a set of recommendations and proposals for the employment of young people in Europe, was also presented at Euro Forum Eyes.
See videos from the entire event
Reflections about Euro Forum EYES
The problem of youth unemployment is not youth: it is the circumstances in which they find themselves, which for the most part they have not created. The great majority of young people have immense talents, energy and passion to contribute and succeed. The problem is lack of opportunities. It is the responsibility of leaders – in education, business, politics and the community – to work together to create those opportunities and if we do young people will certainly take them.
Sir Ken Robinson
In our Grundtvig projekt Think Before Drink we have been dealing with different riskfactors for young people to risk exclusion and leading to alcohol and drog abuse. Youth unemployment is a consequence of both economic and educational market systems. I refer to Pasi Sahlbergs describtion of GERM. Euro Forum EYES confirmed very well our conclusions and gave us confidence to work further.
Bo Sundstrom
It allowd us to think about the role we play as teachers and how we can change our teaching in order to improve students performance. It also showed us about the differences in vocational systems in Europe. As a teacher from the public school system in Portugal, I feel that a teacher who has in the same year classes of professional courses, vocational courses and classes of the regular national curriculum is somewhat overwhelmed and can’t work in either of those at his best. I wish we could have something to allow specialization in one of those curricula in order to really make the changes that are needed.
Gabriela Bruno
Very interesting topic and exciting, fresh ideas especially from Google and other speakers who see the importance of teaching youth how to use technology in their learning and future careers. The highlight was seeing the live version of Sir Ken Robinson, who has done so much to support different learners, imagination and creativity. Great speaker and a human being with funny sense of humor! 🙂 Thank you also for giving the audience a chance to contribute to the dialog and for the great presenter! I hope to see the video soon about the event.
Pirjo Suhonen
Desde el Centro de Educación a Distancia de la Comunidad Valenciana (CEEDCV), una modalidad de educación comprometida en la integración de las personas que tienen difícil la inserción social y laboral, nos pareció un conjunto de paneles de muchísimo nivel (a very high level), que aunaron el compromiso de las instituciones públicas de la U.E., y de las entidades cívicas que, como Meridians, y también como el CEEDCV, trabajan por la plena integración de los colectivos desfavorecidos en los ámbitos de la educación y el empleo. Nos llevamos una tremendamente positiva impresión del Euroforum Eyes, y esperamos cuenten con nosotros para las actividades que están llevando a cabo. ¡Enhorabuena!
Carlos Martínez
#EuroForumEYES on Twitter
Employment and better education the only way to go out of social exclusion. We are presenting today at #EuroForumEYES @sranguelov
— Stanislav Ranguelov (@sranguelov) noviembre 6, 2015
There are no more lifelong jobs. You are all expected to change jobs 3 to 8 times during your life span. #youth #EuroForumEYES
— Maja Katinić (@flyMaja) noviembre 6, 2015
Youth unemployment rate in #EU 22%.How is the responsible for this,economic crisis?education system? #EuroForumEYES
— Raquel (@raquel_castan) noviembre 6, 2015
Success of dual learning is a matter of tradition. This is no copy-paste story. #EuroForumEYES
— Heidi Verlinden (@VerlindenHeidi) noviembre 6, 2015
Los jóvenes de ahora no quieren encajar en un sistema determinado. El empleo para toda la vida, con horario está obsoleto. #EuroForumEYES
— Diana Sanchez (@Leidydi74) noviembre 6, 2015
@Leidydi74 #EuroForumEYES los MOOC necesitan de una motivación del alumnado y de competencias digitales que no todos los alumnos tienen .-)
— Silvia Palomino (@silviadanzarina) noviembre 6, 2015
Para que un profesional consiga hacer lo que puede, a veces tiene que exigirse hacer lo que no puede #euroforumeyes
— Alfonso Alcántara (@Yoriento) noviembre 6, 2015
@sranguelov : "We have to ask companies why they are not opening doors to young people". #EuroForumEYES
— Finnova (@Finnovaregio) noviembre 6, 2015
"The only constant is change", maybe we should change our way of life and not only the jobmarket? #EuroForumEYES
— Cosey Claeys (@coseyclaeys) noviembre 6, 2015
The Youth Forum is speaking this morning at #EuroForumEYES in #Brussels on "What do companies look for in order to hire?
— European Youth Forum (@Youth_Forum) noviembre 6, 2015
Stopp thinking education system, labour market, society, economy as seperated systems. #EuroForumEYES
— Wolfgang Bliem (@BliemW) noviembre 6, 2015
What @google looks for: leadership, solve-problem, passion for industry, dealing with change. Hire people, not a position. #EuroForumEyes
— Cata Valencia (@catavalencia) noviembre 6, 2015
Long que to enter the hall for Ken Robinson's talk #EuroForumEYES
— Jurgita Zemaityte (@Jurzem) noviembre 6, 2015
"Strategies for education have to have a global approach but with a focus on local" @SirKenRobinson #EuroForumEYES
— Raquel (@raquel_castan) noviembre 6, 2015
.@SirKenRobinson it's not a teacher´s problem, it is a systemic problem #EuroForumEyes #Brussels #Youth #employmentfirst @EmpleoMD
— MeridiansINT (@MeridiansINT) noviembre 6, 2015
Like children in the same family r different, children in schools should also be allowed to be different - @SirKenRobinson #EuroForumEYES
— Jurgita Zemaityte (@Jurzem) noviembre 6, 2015
Education should enable young people to become active and compassionate citizens @SirKenRobinson #EuroForumEYES
— Euromovilidad (@euromovilidad) noviembre 6, 2015
NOTRE DAME SCHOOL from Dominican Republic is attending @SirKenRobinson forum in Brussels.
#EuroForumEYES #onenote
— NOTRE DAME SCHOOL (@NOTREDAMEDR) noviembre 6, 2015
.@yoriento : succesful people are persistent #EuroForumEyes #Brussels #Youth #employmentfirst @EmpleoMD
— MeridiansINT (@MeridiansINT) noviembre 6, 2015
4 Aims of Education by @SirKenRobinson at #euroforumeyes
— Think With Things (@thinkwthings) noviembre 6, 2015
Ken Ribinson #EuroForumEYES 'Education should enable young people to engage with the world within them as well'
— L' Agora Jeunes en € (@AgoraJeunesEuro) noviembre 6, 2015
The #academia needs to understand the world, not the opposite..Time to learn the #SME language #EuroForumEYES
— Antonio Santos (@akwyz) noviembre 8, 2015
Our goal: the convergence of juvenile justice systems at an international level
Meridians International is a foundation working towards the convergence of the world’s juvenile justice systems in accordance with a restorative justice model. In order to do this, it supports an international network to detect, study and disseminate good practice, as well as investing in prevention through education and social awareness.
The first European network address to the young (ex) offenders employability and social exclusion
Euro Forum EYES is created from the European Project EXYOnet (European Network for employability of Young (ex) offenders), the first European network address to the employability of young offenders and social exclusion, that belongs to the Youth in Action Program of the European Union.